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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Weekly Cleaning Schedule

I love having a weekly cleaning schedule. I feel like it keeps me from having to binge clean by accomplishing little tasks each day. Here is what my weekly cleaning schedule looks like:
Each day has a simple task to complete:

Sunday - Meal Plan - I read through ads and look at coupons to plan our meals. I have gotten really efficient at this, and typically can get a month's worth of planning done in one Sunday.  All that means is that for the most part, my Sundays are spent not doing chores.
Monday - Kitchen/Bedrooms - This is the day I do a deep clean on the kitchen... things like cleaning the microwave and dishwasher, wiping cabinets, bleaching counters, etc. In the bedrooms, I make sure that everything is picked up.
Tuesday - Laundry/Dust - I do all of my laundry in one day. I know some people that do weekly cleaning schedules spread it out so they are only doing a load each day.  It's just personal preference. For dusting, I make sure all of the main surfaces are dusted. Things like the fan and blinds get done monthly.
Wednesday - Windows/Shopping - The windows get a quick wipe down each week, but the outside windows are done monthly.  I try and always do my shopping on Wednesdays. These are double ad days at Sprouts, so it helps keep the cost down.
Thursday - Bathrooms - Pretty self-explanatory. I only have 2 bathrooms, so this cleaning always goes quickly.
Friday - Floors - Each week I vacuum and spot clean the floors. Every other week I bust out the mop after I vacuum.  
Saturday - Makeup Day - Makeup any day that you might have missed. 

For the most part, each daily task is done in 30 minutes or less. Of course some of this has slowed down since I've become pregnant, but staying close to this schedule makes for a pretty clean house.

I like to display my schedule in a frame. I have various magnetized frames on my fridge with things like my cleaning schedule, a weekly menu, and a monthly calendar. It's organized, doesn't take up a lot of space, and I love it.

I'll try and put together a post about my monthly cleaning tasks. Let me know what you think!

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